reMarkable wish list

the first version of the reMarkable tablet is indeed a game changer when it comes to replication of the “writing experience” on paper, as the responsiveness and the tip-feel on the surface are unparalleled so far.

Nevertheless, with now more than 100.000 users worldwide (Jan.2020), people come up with thoughts and wishes based on actual usage of the device. Below, please find a summary of topics (descending in order of “urgency”)


  • hardware buttons on top of the frame (or top & bottom & switchable)
  • more battery capacity
  • stronger processor
  • Micro SD Card slot
  • Cheaper tips + Styli (come on, guys – 59.- / 99,- Euros?)
  • Bigger size (12” or 13”)
  • Colour EInk


  • “Real” clipboard with copy-paste possibilites BETWEEN pages
  • Possibility to NAME PAGES (beyond pure page number) and display them in the grid overview
  • “Send to” Email address for the ReMarkable
  • Read only mode (“Lock”) for Notebooks or EPubs
  • separate folder for custom templates (PNG), so that these don’t need to be refreshed every time a software update is performed
  • pre selection of “sort by” (updated-size-name) for favorites
  • pre selection of marker type for creation of a new notebook
  • “step through” functionality (e.g. open next PDF in a series of documents within a folder, e.g. leadsheets for a musician)